Thursday, October 31, 2019

Using Relationship Marketing to Improve Customer Relations Dissertation

Using Relationship Marketing to Improve Customer Relations - Dissertation Example The current dissertation aims to investigate the customer relationship marketing strategies of Marks and Spencer following its rebranding efforts. The main objective of the research is to allow a comprehension of the changes that had occurred among customers’ attitudes towards the brand. Both primary and secondary research data shall be used in accomplishing the following objectives of the dissertation: Determine and investigate the target audience being catered to by Marks and Spencer; Discuss the competitive environment in which M & S plays in; Assess the competitive edge of the company as a global brand through a customer relationship survey. The researcher concluds that Marks & Spencer should leverage more on its customer relationship marketing strategies, particularly convenience, being a strong global bran, and competitive cost. Moreover, in drafting its next branding strategic plan, it should aptly consider the following factors which are deemed improvement areas (lowes t scoring items): ambience of the store and personalised service. On the other hand, it may leverage more on its highest scoring items, namely, promotional offers, being a strong global brand, competitive cost and convenience. The results propose that customers have a very obvious recognition of the overall brand image of Marks & Spencer as a clothing company. More specifically, the company was perceived to have a clearly focused position within the UK retail clothing market and to be successful in communicating their brand to customers.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business Globalisation in Central and Eastern Europe Assignment

Business Globalisation in Central and Eastern Europe - Assignment Example These changes have occurred in different stages and businesses have undergone various transformations in order to remain relevant in the market. This paper explores different stages of globalization with a special focus on how Coca-Cola Company has responded to every phase of liberalization. Pearce (2006: 28) argues that every institution and business must commit to enhancing its global competitiveness as a crucial strategic goal. In the current business environment characterized by intense competition, no business organization can succeed if it fails to match with the high standards set by its competitors in the particular market niche. There are two phases of globalization recorded in the history of international trade namely old and new globalization (Manea and Robert, 2004: 203). International trade undertaken from 1893 to 1913 is classified in the old phase while the new phase entails trade from 1915 to the present. Although these phases are defined by an increasing gross domest ic product ratio and growing international investments, there are distinct differences. In the old phrase, there were high barriers to trade caused by high tariffs. However, the new phase has witnessed a drastic reduction of tariff barriers, resulting in the opening international borders to a high volume of trade (Manea and Robert, 2004: 215). The new globalization has witnessed the expansion of new markets, services and the emergence of global brands. Many countries are members of international trading organizations formed to set the norms and standards of trade. In addition, emerging issues such as democracy, human rights, and market economy are increasingly defining the norms and rules of new globalization. At a business level, the new globalization creates the necessity of expanding from local to regional levels. This implies that businesses should no longer distinguish between foreign and domestic market, but concentrate on enhancing the quality of their products, because of in tense competition at both levels (Anderson, 2000: 62). Businesses undergo five stages before becoming global firms. Generally, exporting goods or services is the initial stage of engaging in international business by local firms. In later stages, most businesses establish ventures in foreign countries (Anderson, 2000: 86). Narula (2003: 35) identified five stages that businesses undergo before developing into a global corporation. The first stage entails exporting using overseas dealers and distributors. In this stage, the business is predominantly domestic and it engages the services of foreign dealers as it expands into new overseas markets. In the second stage, the company has already established a foothold in foreign markets and therefore exporting its products using its own distributors and dealers (Narula (2003:43). During the third stage, the company is more established in the foreign markets. The firm begins undertaking to manufacture its products, sales, marketing, and othe r activities on its own (Pearce, 2006: 57).  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aristotle Quotes

Aristotle Quotes A constitution is the arrangement of magistracies in a state. A friend to all is a friend to none. A great city is not to be confounded with a populous one. A sense is what has the power of receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the matter, in the way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a signet-ring without the iron or gold. A tragedy is a representation of an action that is whole and complete and of a certain magnitude. A whole is what has a beginning and middle and end. A true friend is one soul in two bodies. A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side. All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire. All men by nature desire knowledge. All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. All virtue is summed up in dealing justly. Anybody can become angry that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way that is not within everybodys power and is not easy. At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. Bad men are full of repentance. Bashfulness is an ornament to youth, but a reproach to old age. Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms. Bring your desires down to your present means. Increase them only when your increased means permit. Change in all things is sweet. Character may almost be called the most effective means of persuasion. Courage is a mean with regard to fear and confidence. Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others. Democracy arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal. Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers. Different men seek after happiness in different ways and by different means, and so make for themselves different modes of life and forms of government. Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them. Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. Education is the best provision for old age. Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered. Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and choice, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim. Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. Excellence, then, is a state concerned with choice, lying in a mean, relative to us, this being determined by reason and in the way in which the man of practical wisdom would determine it. Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil. For as the eyes of bats are to the blaze of day, so is the reason in our soul to the things which are by nature most evident of all. For one swallow does not make a summer, nor does one day; and so too one day, or a short time, does not make a man blessed and happy. For though we love both the truth and our friends, piety requires us to honor the truth first. Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Friendship is essentially a partnership. Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. Happiness depends upon ourselves. He who can be, and therefore is, anothers, and he who participates in reason enough to apprehend, but not to have, is a slave by nature. He who hath many friends hath none. He who is to be a good ruler must have first been ruled. He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god. Hence poetry is something more philosophic and of graver import than history, since its statements are rather of the nature of universals, whereas those of history are singulars. Homer has taught all other poets the art of telling lies skillfully. Hope is a waking dream. Hope is the dream of a waking man. I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self. I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law. If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost. If one way be better than another, that you may be sure is natures way. In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme. In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. In making a speech one must study three points: first, the means of producing persuasion; second, the language; third the proper arrangement of the various parts of the speech. In nine cases out of ten, a woman had better show more affection than she feels. In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. The young they keep out of mischief; to the old they are a comfort and aid in their weakness, and those in the prime of life they incite to noble deeds. Inferiors revolt in order that they may be equal, and equals that they may be superior. Such is the state of mind which creates revolutions. It is best to rise from life as from a banquet, neither thirsty nor drunken. It is clearly better that property should be private, but the use of it common; and the special business of the legislator is to create in men this benevolent disposition. It is Homer who has chiefly taught other poets the art of telling lies skillfully. It is just that we should be grateful, not only to those with whose views we may agree, but also to those who have expressed more superficial views; for these also contributed something, by developing before us the powers of thought. It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. It is unbecoming for young men to utter maxims. Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men, while envy is base and belongs to the base, for the one makes himself get good things by jealousy, while the other does not allow his neighbour to have them through envy. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Man is by nature a political animal. Man is naturally a political animal. Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way. Men are swayed more by fear than by reverence. Men create gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life. Misfortune shows those who are not really friends. Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts. Most people would rather give than get affection. Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own. My best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake. Nature does nothing in vain. No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness. No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness. No notice is taken of a little evil, but when it increases it strikes the eye. No one loves the man whom he fears. No one would choose a friendless existence on condition of having all the other things in the world. Of all the varieties of virtues, liberalism is the most beloved. Perfect friendship is the friendship of men who are good, and alike in excellence; for these wish well alike to each other qua good, and they are good in themselves. Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference. Piety requires us to honor truth above our friends. Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth. Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular. Politicians also have no leisure, because they are always aiming at something beyond political life itself, power and glory, or happiness. Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities. Quality is not an act, it is a habit. Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms. Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with cheerfulness, not through insensibility but through greatness of mind. Temperance is a mean with regard to pleasures. The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain. The beginning of reform is not so much to equalize property as to train the noble sort of natures not to desire more, and to prevent the lower from getting more. The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake. The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead. The end of labor is to gain leisure. The energy of the mind is the essence of life. The generality of men are naturally apt to be swayed by fear rather than reverence, and to refrain from evil rather because of the punishment that it brings than because of its own foulness. The gods too are fond of a joke. The greatest virtues are those which are most useful to other persons. The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances. The law is reason, free from passion. The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold. The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit. The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes. The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. The secret to humor is surprise. The soul never thinks without a picture. The state is a creation of nature and man is by nature a political animal. The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival. The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. The wise man does not expose himself needlessly to danger, since there are few things for which he cares sufficiently; but he is willing, in great crises, to give even his life knowing that under certain conditions it is not worthwhile to live. The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. The young are permanently in a state resembling intoxication. There is no great genius without a mixture of madness. There was never a genius without a tincture of madness. Therefore, the good of man must be the end of the science of politics. This is the reason why mothers are more devoted to their children than fathers: it is that they suffer more in giving them birth and are more certain that they are their own. Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach. Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well. Those who excel in virtue have the best right of all to rebel, but then they are of all men the least inclined to do so. Thou wilt find rest from vain fancies if thou doest every act in life as though it were thy last. To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. We become just by performing just action, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave action. We make war that we may live in peace. We must no more ask whether the soul and body are one than ask whether the wax and the figure impressed on it are one. We praise a man who feels angry on the right grounds and against the right persons and also in the right manner at the right moment and for the right length of time. Well begun is half done. What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do. What the statesman is most anxious to produce is a certain moral character in his fellow citizens, namely a disposition to virtue and the performance of virtuous actions. Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god. Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit. Wit is educated insolence. Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods. You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Self Discovery in Saul Bellows Henderson the Rain King :: Henderson the Rain King

Self Discovery in Saul Bellow's Henderson the Rain King Have you ever felt like a complete social out cast? Some one who has trouble fitting in and has never quite found their true calling. Being shunned by those closest to him and being unaccepted by society, the character in this novel is a perfect example. Saul Bellow's character Eugene Henderson, in, Henderson the Rain King, (1959), is a man who struggles to change his ways and find out his true calling. In this novel, a 55-year old man, tries to get through a mid-life crisis. The millionaire decides to go to Africa in an attempt to find himself. He meets two tribes while there. The first one he nearly destroys in an attempt to rid their watering hole of frogs. The next tribe helps Henderson the most on his quest. He unknowingly participates in a ritual to bring rain to the tribe, the success of which leads to his acclamation as Sungo, or Rain King. This experience with the tribe helps him to realize that his true destiny is as a healer. He returns back to America, planning to enter medical school. Eugene Henderson starts off the book as a unpredictable man, with little conscious to guide him. It seems as though he almost intentionally hurts those closest to him. After telling his wife that he has had enough of everything, and that he was going to "blow his brains out," he explains that this hurt his wife for more than one reason. Perhaps the most apparent reason was that "Her father had committed suicide in the same way, with a pistol (11)." Throwing tantrums like these, cause him to be very unlikable in the beginning of the novel. Once he has arrived in Africa, you start to see a different side of him. Then after leaving the first tribe and staying with the second one for a while, his personality really begins to grow on you. He explains that, "At one time, much earlier in this life of mine, suffering had a certain spice (263)." I feel that this shows how he is growing as a person and being able to find out more about who he really is. Towards the end of the novel, the change that has come over him becomes really apparent. After a conversation with the king, he says, "For his sake I accepted the discipline of being like a lion.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Should the Government Regulate the Internet More Strictly

Tittle: Should the government regulate the Internet more strictly Should the government regulate the Internet more strictly? It is no exaggeration to say that the Internet has changed the world. Today, we can get all kinds of information from around the world through the Internet and life in the world easy to communicate with others. Therefore, the Internet seems to be at first glance dream tool. However, the Internet is not always a bright side. It can be harmful, when we use it and little care. Therefore, it should be better for the government to control the Internet.From my opinion, there are few ways here that government should regulate the internet more strictly. Firstly, the number of crimes on the Internet at breakneck speed is increase in the past few years. For example, we sometimes encounter some fraud when we do some shopping on the Internet. In this case, we are doing procurement and they do not sent to the buyer, although the money has been sent to the seller. This is ve ry difficult to track down criminals, because we have almost no criminals, who they are, what they do, even where they live we also don’t know.If we use the Internet for online shopping, our credit card number is stolen, then the money in our bank account may be used up. Using the Internet to do our personal information is not safe, especially those important document. In fact, when we surf the Web, reading e-mail, download software, even with our friends, is called a hidden program, Trojan chat, can send to our computer without our knowing. It will steal and transfer all the information that we already save. After that, this person may make use of it to others. Nguyen Long Quoc, 2008) Secondly, the Government should review the information on the Internet that is more stringent. In reality, we can find out a lot of illegal work, such as music, movies, or books on the Internet. Shall be strictly controlled, or who owns the copyright and intellectual property rights because of this serious damage. Between that, pornography is a drawback of the Internet also. This is a very serious problem, especially when it comes to children. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet can easily be found.This kind of site is very harmful to the child, and likely to incite them to take action, on the other sex. According to researchers Jennings Bryant about 600 junior high school aged men and women, 31% male and 18% of women admitted to actually do some things that they see pornography. In addition, a recent study shows that, often exposed to pornography may lead to children's participation in disease, addiction and unplanned pregnancy, the adverse effects of the mental life of children. (Nguyen Long Quoc, 2008) Lastly, we must be careful to computer viruses when we on the Internet.Some people do the purpose of computer viruses; they spread out on the Internet. Once these viruses infect our computers, they destroy some of the information or even the compute r itself. These kind of criminals also difficult to find out, so we must rely on government help to prevent these viruses. The virus is just a program; it would disrupt the normal operation of our computer system. Computer connected to the Internet is more vulnerable to virus attacks; they can go to our computer slowing down, destruction of data and our entire hard drive crashes to an end.Maybe we here at least, no matter how hard we tried to stop them to use some anti-virus program on infected computers from viruses. Therefore, we should clearly know that they cause bad damage, but also inevitable. In conclusion, the Internet can have some bad effects toward us, such as unsafe personal information, the impact of pornography on children's mental life, and virus threats. However, this does not mean that we should not use the Internet. It is difficult to imagine without the internet in our lives. We should only need to be more careful, every time we use the internet.Nowadays, although internet is good or convenient to us but we still have to beware of it because sometimes it will bring harms to us. There should be more government control of the Internet. Although the Internet has made that we might live a better life, it can be bad for us, unless it is properly controlled. SOURCES Grace Smith. (2007). More government control of the internet? Available: http://sky. geocities. jp/c1304015takeshi/C3_56. htm. Last accessed 17th July 2012. Nguyen Long Quoc. (2008). disadvantages of the Internet. Available:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart

Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart The main raw materials used in the cement manufacturing process are limestone, sand, shale, clay, and iron ore. The main material, limestone, is usually mined on site while the other minor materials may be mined either on site or in nearby quarries. Another source of raw materials is industrial by-products. The use of by-product materials to replace natural raw materials is a key element in achieving sustainable development. In the wet process, the slurry is fed to a rotary kiln, which can be from 3. m to 5. 0 m in diameter and from 120. 0 m to 165. 0 m in length. The rotary kiln is made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Process temperatures can reach as high as 1450oC during the clinker making process. In the dry process, kiln feed is fed to a preheater tower, which can be as high as 150. 0 meters. Material from the preheater tower is discharged to a rotary kiln with can have the same diameter as a wet process kiln but the length is much shorter at approximately 45. m. The preheater tower and rotary kiln are made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant Our Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant mainly including Mobile Jaw Crusher Plant , Mobile Cone Crusher Plant , Mobile Impact Crusher Plant , the mobile cement bag packaging plant specification :1. Available in 2 – 6 Spouts model 2. Available in Wheel mounted or Fix Models. 3. Auto-weighing system with bag pushing system 4.Pre-assembled with solenoid valve, limit switch etc. 5 Sub-divided in to Heavy duty Air Compressor 6 Capacity : 10- 60 ton per hour. The black, nodular clinker is stored on site in silos or clinker domes until needed for cement production. Clinker, gypsum, and other process additions are ground together in ball mills to form the final cement products. Fineness of the final products, amou nt of gypsum added, and the amount of process additions added are all varied to develop a desired performance in each of the final cement products.Our mobile cement plants are used in Indonesia, Vietnam , Iran, India, Chile, Venezuela, Libya, Angola, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan , Yeman, Eygpt, Nigeria, Tajikistan , Saudi Arabia , Zimbabwe, Dubai, Vietnam, Philippines, Brazil. Cement Plant Equipment 1. Kilns  : We have manufactured high-quality kilns, made of varied materials, since a long period of time. All kilns are excellent heat exchangers where heat is transferred in a variety of ways. We produce kilns which are made with precision and detailed accuracy.They are highly durable and made with attention to each and every detail as provided by the client. 2. High Efficiency Separators  : We also supply high efficiency separators with our cement plants. High availability, high selectivity, low energy consumption, proper product separation, cooling and drying, and relatively lo w capital expenditure are all the features available in our high-efficiency separator.. 3. Crushers  :A machine to reduce large solid chunks of raw material into smaller chunks.It is widely used in a cement plant. We are manufacturers of a wide range of crushers. We supply all types of crushers and crushing equipment to be used in cement plants. 4. Feeders  : We supply you a range of feeders in varying sizes and shapes. Used in cement plants, the feeders we are offering are efficiently designed for heavy duty applications. Available in different capacities and sizes, our feeders have been well-tested for facilitating uniform flow of materials to the crusher and conveyors. 5.Conveyors  : We offer our customers with premium quality conveyors which are used for transporting products from one end to another. Highly durable and robust, our conveyors are specially designed to handle all types of load and materials in a cement plant. 6. Hoppers  : Our range of hoppers are available in various capacities as required by customers. These hoppers are highly durable and have a rugged performance. Catering to the technological developments, our products have successfully met the industrial standards. Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart The main raw materials used in the cement manufacturing process are limestone, sand, shale, clay, and iron ore. The main material, limestone, is usually mined on site while the other minor materials may be mined either on site or in nearby quarries. Another source of raw materials is industrial by-products. The use of by-product materials to replace natural raw materials is a key element in achieving sustainable development. In the wet process, the slurry is fed to a rotary kiln, which can be from 3. m to 5. 0 m in diameter and from 120. 0 m to 165. 0 m in length. The rotary kiln is made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Process temperatures can reach as high as 1450oC during the clinker making process. In the dry process, kiln feed is fed to a preheater tower, which can be as high as 150. 0 meters. Material from the preheater tower is discharged to a rotary kiln with can have the same diameter as a wet process kiln but the length is much shorter at approximately 45. m. The preheater tower and rotary kiln are made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant Our Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant mainly including Mobile Jaw Crusher Plant , Mobile Cone Crusher Plant , Mobile Impact Crusher Plant , the mobile cement bag packaging plant specification :1. Available in 2 – 6 Spouts model 2. Available in Wheel mounted or Fix Models. 3. Auto-weighing system with bag pushing system 4.Pre-assembled with solenoid valve, limit switch etc. 5 Sub-divided in to Heavy duty Air Compressor 6 Capacity : 10- 60 ton per hour. The black, nodular clinker is stored on site in silos or clinker domes until needed for cement production. Clinker, gypsum, and other process additions are ground together in ball mills to form the final cement products. Fineness of the final products, amou nt of gypsum added, and the amount of process additions added are all varied to develop a desired performance in each of the final cement products.Our mobile cement plants are used in Indonesia, Vietnam , Iran, India, Chile, Venezuela, Libya, Angola, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan , Yeman, Eygpt, Nigeria, Tajikistan , Saudi Arabia , Zimbabwe, Dubai, Vietnam, Philippines, Brazil. Cement Plant Equipment 1. Kilns  : We have manufactured high-quality kilns, made of varied materials, since a long period of time. All kilns are excellent heat exchangers where heat is transferred in a variety of ways. We produce kilns which are made with precision and detailed accuracy.They are highly durable and made with attention to each and every detail as provided by the client. 2. High Efficiency Separators  : We also supply high efficiency separators with our cement plants. High availability, high selectivity, low energy consumption, proper product separation, cooling and drying, and relatively lo w capital expenditure are all the features available in our high-efficiency separator.. 3. Crushers  :A machine to reduce large solid chunks of raw material into smaller chunks.It is widely used in a cement plant. We are manufacturers of a wide range of crushers. We supply all types of crushers and crushing equipment to be used in cement plants. 4. Feeders  : We supply you a range of feeders in varying sizes and shapes. Used in cement plants, the feeders we are offering are efficiently designed for heavy duty applications. Available in different capacities and sizes, our feeders have been well-tested for facilitating uniform flow of materials to the crusher and conveyors. 5.Conveyors  : We offer our customers with premium quality conveyors which are used for transporting products from one end to another. Highly durable and robust, our conveyors are specially designed to handle all types of load and materials in a cement plant. 6. Hoppers  : Our range of hoppers are available in various capacities as required by customers. These hoppers are highly durable and have a rugged performance. Catering to the technological developments, our products have successfully met the industrial standards.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of 20th Century Pote, Edna St. Vincent Millay

Biography of 20th Century Pote, Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay was a popular poet, known for her Bohemian (unconventional) lifestyle. She was also a playwright and actress. She lived from  February 22, 1892 to October 19, 1950.   She sometimes published as Nancy Boyd, E. Vincent Millay, or Edna St. Millay.  Her poetry, rather traditional in form but adventurous in content, reflected her life in dealing forthrightly with sex and independence in women. A nature mysticism pervades much of her work. Early Years Edna St. Vincent  Millay was born in 1892. Her mother, Cora Buzzelle Millay, was a nurse, and her father,  Henry Tolman Millay, a teacher. Millays parents divorced in 1900 when she was eight, reportedly because of her fathers gambling habits. She and her two younger sisters were raised by their mother in Maine, where she developed an interest in literature and began writing poetry. Early Poems and Education By the age of 14, she was publishing poetry in the childrens magazine, St. Nicholas, and read an original piece for her high school graduation from Camden High School in Camden, Maine. Three years after graduation, she followed her mothers advice and submitted a long poem to a contest. When the anthology of selected poems was published, her poem, Renascence, won critical praise. On the basis of this poem, she won a scholarship to Vassar, spending a semester at Barnard in preparation. She continued to write and publish poetry while in college, and also enjoyed the experience of living among so many intelligent, spirited, and independent young women. New York Soon after graduation from Vassar in 1917, she published her first volume of poetry, including Renascence. It was not particularly financially successful, though it won critical approval, and so she moved with one of her sisters to New York, hoping to become an actress. She moved to Greenwich Village, and soon became part of the literary and intellectual scene in the Village. She had many lovers, both female and male, while she struggled to make money with her writing. Publishing Success After 1920, she began to publish mostly in Vanity Fair, thanks to editor Edmund Wilson who later proposed marriage to Millay. Publishing in Vanity Fair meant more public notice and a bit more financial success. A play and a poetry prize were accompanied by illness, but in 1921, another Vanity Fair editor arranged to pay her regularly for writing she would send from a trip to Europe. In 1923, her poetry won the Pulitzer Prize, and she returned to New York, where she met and quickly married a wealthy Dutch businessman, Eugen Boissevant, who supported her writing and took care of her through many illnesses.   Boissevant had earlier been married to  Inez Milholland Boiisevan, dramatic woman suffrage proponent who died in 1917.   They had no children In following years, Edna St. Vincent Millay found that performances where she recited her poetry were sources of income. She also became more involved in social causes, including womens rights and defending Sacco and Vanzetti. Later Years: Social Concern and Ill Health In the 1930s, her poetry reflects her growing social concern and her grief over her mothers death. A car accident in 1936 and general ill health slowed her writing. The rise of Hitler disturbed her, and then the invasion of Holland by the Nazis cut off her husbands income. She also lost many close friends to death in the 1930s and 1940s. She had a nervous breakdown in 1944. After her husband died in 1949, she continued to write, but died herself the next year. A last volume of poetry was published posthumously. Key works: Renascence (1912)Renascence and Other Poems (1917)A Few Figs from Thistles (1920)Second April (1921)The Harp-Weaver and Other Poems (1923)The Kings Henchman (1927)The Buck in the Snow and Other Poems (1928)Fatal Interview (1931)Wine from These Grapes (1934)Conversation at Midnight (1937)Huntsman, What Quarry? (1939)Make Bright the Arrows (1940)The Murder of Lidice (1942)Mine the Harvest (published 1954) Selected Edna St. Vincent Millay Quotations Let us forget such words, and all they mean,as Hatred,  Bitterness  and Rancor,Greed, Intolerance, Bigotry.Let us renew our faith and pledge to Manhis right to be Himself,and free. Not Truth, but Faith it is that keeps the world alive. I shall die, but that is all that I shall do for Death; I am not on his pay-roll. I will not tell him the whereabouts of my friendsnor of my enemies either.Though he  promise  me much I will not map himthe route to any mans door.Am I a spy in the land of the livingThat I should deliver men to death?Brother, the password and the plans of our cityare safe with me.Never through me shall you be overcome.I shall die, but that is all I shall do for death. Into the  darkness  they go, the wise and the lovely. The soul can split the sky in two,And let the face of God shine through. God, I can push the grass apartAnd lay my finger on thy heart! Dont stand so near me!I  am become a socialist. I loveHumanity; but I hate people.(character Pierrot in  Aria da Capo, 1919) There is no God.But it does not matter.Man  is enough. My candle burns at both ends... It is not true that life is one damn thing after another. It’s one damn thing over and over. [John Ciardi about Edna St. Vincent Millay] It was not as a craftsman nor as an influence, but as the creator of her own legend that she was  most alive  for us. Her success was  as  a figure of passionate living. Selected Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay Afternoon on a Hill I will be the gladdest thing  Under the sun!I will touch a hundred flowers  And not pick one. I will look at cliffs and clouds  With quiet eyes,Watch the wind bow down the grass,  And the grass rise. And when lights begin to show  Up from the town,I will mark which must be mine,  And then start down! Ashes of Life Love has gone and left me, and the days are all alike.Eat I must, and sleep I will - and would that night were here!But ah, to lie awake and hear the slow hours strike!Would that it were day again, with twilight near! Love has gone and left me, and I dont know what to do;This or that or what you will is all the same to me;But all the things that I begin I leave before Im through -Theres little use in anything as far as I can see. Love has gone and left me, and the neighbors knock and borrow,And life goes on forever like the gnawing of a mouse.And to-morrow and to-morrow and to-morrow and to-morrowTheres this little street and this little house. Gods World O world, I cannot hold thee close enough!  Ã‚   Thy winds, thy wide grey skies!  Ã‚   Thy mists that roll and rise!Thy woods this autumn day, that ache and sagAnd all but cry with colour!   That gaunt cragTo crush!   To lift the lean of that black bluff!World, World, I cannot get thee close enough! Long have I known a glory in it all,  Ã‚   But never knew I this;  Ã‚   Here such a passion isAs stretcheth me apart, Lord, I do fearThoust made the world too beautiful this year;My soul is all but out of me, let fallNo burning leaf; prithee, let no bird call. When the Year Grows Old I cannot but remember  When the year grows old October November   How she disliked the cold! She used to watch the swallows  Go down across the sky,And turn from the window  With a little sharp sigh. And often when the brown leaves  Were brittle on the ground,And the wind in the chimney  Made a melancholy sound, She had a look about her  That I wish I could forget The look of a scared thing  Sitting in a net! Oh, beautiful at nightfall  The soft spitting snow!And beautiful the bare boughs  Rubbing to and fro! But the roaring of the fire,  And the warmth of fur,And the boiling of the kettle  Were beautiful to her! I cannot but remember  When the year grows old October November   How she disliked the cold!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Detailed Outline Format Final Essay

Detailed Outline Format Final Essay Detailed Outline Format Final Essay Detailed Outline Format Use the following bulleted format and replace with your own words. INTRODUCTION: All famous and short stories are planned before written. The reader will most likely plan out his or her story. Drawing out a story plot chart is a great way to plan out a story. Short stories written without a plan is like a building a house without blueprints. Exposition, Rising action and Characterization have to be well thought of before writing a story. â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† by Kurt Vonnegut was most likely written without planning because it is a terrible story. The story’s exposition was nearly 3 sentences long. The rising action within the story was so poor that it was boring to read and the climax had no importance. Furthermore, the characterization in this story was so bad that connecting to any of the characters was nearly impossible. â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† by Kurt Vonnegut was a terribly written story due to the fact that the story lacked quality rising action, exposition and characterization. FIRST BODY PARAGRAPH 1. Because the story had was written without a well done exposition, it was very hard to understand what the author was talking about at times. 1. The author tells us near the beginning of the story that everyone is equal; that is clear but the author never tells the reader why society has come to the point where everyone is equal. 1. â€Å"All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th and 213th Amendments to the Constitution† (Vonnegut page 133) 2. At this point there was a clear given reason is to why everyone became equal. But there is no detail as to what these amendments are and why they were established. The background to why everyone has become equal is nearly equivalent as your parents answering a question with â€Å"because I said so†. There’s a reason behind the situation, but the reason has no detail at all. What are the 211, 212 and 213 amendments? ii. The book explains that Harrison Bergeron was taken away but it isn’t until the end of the story that the reader is told why. b. â€Å"And it was that month that the H-G men took George and Hazel Bergeron’s fourteen-year-old-son, Harrison, away.† (Vonnegut 134). 1. 2. Prior to this quote the reader is never told who the â€Å"H-G† men are or what they do. For all we know the â€Å"H-G† men could be good guys. The reader is also not told what Harrison did to be taken away until near the end of the story. This can e very confusing and misleading because the reader may believe that Harrison was taken away for a good cause. b. When stories are written with poor expositions it often leaves the reader guessing a lot as to what is happening in the story and that is not good. SECOND BODY PARAGRAPH 3. The story had terrible rising action and no suspense; this being, the climax had no importance. a. The rising action moved way too fast and too much happened in a short amount of time. i. Harrison was throwing the ballerina in the air with ease. Diana Glampers, The head of H-G walks into the room and shoots Harrison. The TV shuts off and neither of his parents care. (Page 138) ii. Although this quote is paraphrased, all this happened within two short paragraphs. Within two short paragraphs the climax is here and gone. Harrison went from dancing to being killed. There was no suspense to this scene and the climax was very bland. b. With terrible suspense, comes a terrible climax. i. Diana Glampers shoots their son on TV, the TV goes out and George (his father) complains about the TV going out. ii. The climax at this point is so bland that the reader isn’t affected in anyway. After reading this story it may be hard to even be able to tell when the climax occurred. Harrison’s son was killed on TV and the only thing that he was concerned about was how the power went out. How is the reader supposed to be affected by the climax when the

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pros and Cons of Having a College Roommate

Pros and Cons of Having a College Roommate You may be a first-year student filling out new-student paperwork, trying to decide if youd like a roommate or not. Or you may be a student who has had a roommate for several years and now is interested in living on your own. So how can you decide if having a college roommate is a good idea for your particular situation? Consider the financial aspects. At the end of the day, at least for most college students, theres only so much money to go around. If living in a single / without a roommate will increase the cost of attending college significantly for you, then sticking it out with a roommate for another year (or two or three) is a good idea. If, however, you think you can swing living on your own financially or you think having your own space is worth the extra cost, than not having a roommate might be in the cards. Just think carefully about what any increased costs will mean for your time in school and beyond, if you are using loans to finance your education. (Also consider whether you should live on or off campus or even in a Greek house when factoring in housing and roommate costs.) Think about having a general roommate, not just one person in particular. You may have lived with the same roommate since your first year on campus, so in your mind, the choice is between that person or no one. But that doesnt have to be the case. While its important to consider if you want to live with an old roommate again, its also important to consider whether you want to live with a roommate in general. Have you enjoyed having someone to talk to? To borrow things from? To share stories and laughs with? To help out when you both needed a little lift? Or are you ready for some space and time on your own? Reflect on what you want your college experience to be like. If youre already in college, think back on the memories and experiences youve come to value the most. Who was involved? What made them meaningful for you? And if youre about to start college, think about what you want your college experience to look like. How does having a roommate fit into all of that? Sure, roommates can be a major pain in the brain, but they can also challenge each other to step outside of comfort zones and try new things. Would you have joined a fraternity, for example, had it not been for your roommate? Or learned about a new culture or food? Or attended an on-campus event that really opened your eyes about an important issue? Think about what set-up would best support your academic experience. True, college life involves a lot of learning outside of the classroom. But your primary reason for being in college is to graduate. If youre the type of person who enjoys, say, hanging out in the quad for a little while but really likes to head back to a quiet room to get a few hours of studying done, than perhaps a roommate isnt the best choice for you. That being said, roommates can also make awesome study buddies, motivators, tutors, and even lifesavers when they let you use their laptop when yours breaks 20 minutes before your paper is due. They can also help keep you focused and ensure the room stays a place where you both can study even when your friends pop over with other plans. Consider all the ways that having a roommate will have an impact on your academics both positively and negatively.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Identifying Dina's Issues in Packer's Drinking Coffee Elsewhere Essay

Identifying Dina's Issues in Packer's Drinking Coffee Elsewhere - Essay Example She copes through displacing her mental location from her physical location, being someone else who exists outside of her own circumstance. Packer explores the experience of being eighteen and trying to understand ones own role in the world while navigating a foreign culture that emerges when leaving home and entering a university. The world of an individual changes when they leave home and enter a university setting. Most young people have lived with their family in a specific type of neighborhood for most of their lives. Even people who have moved frequently trend to gravitate towards neighborhoods that are familiar. Therefore, children have a specific perspective before they leave their family for college which is challenged by the new culture that confronts them within a university setting. For Packer, this university setting was Yale where from the beginning she felt challenged for the protective measures of distrust she had developed in her life. Her orientation involved games of trust which did not suit her perspective on others in the world which was automatically mistaken for a part of her racial identity.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discuss some of the social and ethical issues raised by living life Essay

Discuss some of the social and ethical issues raised by living life online, especially with regard to personal responsibility and individual rights - Essay Example Also part of the social responsibility of a person living life online is the users right to post pictures and videos of himself or most importantly, of others by tagging them. This is a tool that should not be used lightly as it could be used to harm the social reputation of other people in an instant. (Boyd, Why Youth (Heart) Social Networking Sites...†) It is this particular part of online life that has caused a wave of cyberbullying cases through the irresponsible use of social media profiles and photo tagging opportunities. Due to the egalitarian method by which people interact online, the activity should have promoted camaraderie and greater fairness. Instead, the social networking lifestyle has caused an even greater divide among the public users due to the anonymity of the service.Social networking or online life is not a place where one can expect to develop ethics and virtues such as honesty, openness, and patience. Characteristics which in the real world, help mold th e social consciousness and ethical responsibilty within a person. (Markula Center For Applied Ethics, â€Å"Unavoidable Ethical Questions About Social Networking). All of these instant gratification tools offered by social networking has reduced people and their online interaction to an avatar and a few strokes on the keyboard, thus producing a new generation of highly irresponsible and inconsiderate youth. This is because social networks allow them to act irresponsibly without having to fear repercussions socially because of the difficulty in proving such acts. Ethics is not a consideration because the networking sites do not make them responsible for their actions. It remains an unsupervised world where anything can happen. It is if you prefer to call it, the new wild west waiting to be tamed and brought to a new age of social and ethical

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14

No topic - Essay Example This ultimately leads to a decrease in water tables. As much as supply of water is constant, the water levels can be controlled in some ways. That is delivery and storage, watering farms, purification of sea water and let the mechanism of price to balance supply and demand. The most important way to solve the scarcity is to increase the price of water to be in line with the increased demand (Puthenkalam 34). The overall number of patients waiting for transplants currently is at 114, 650. Additionally, the number of patients waiting for kidney transplant is the highest. This high numbers are explained by the fact that creating a legal market for these transplants may lead to an upsurge of illegal markets handling these transplants (UNOS). Legalizing a transplant market would also increase instances of stolen organs as a result of innocent civilians getting drugged and mugged and their organs removed. Lastly, an organ market will make the rich be in charge of buying organs from the poor

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysis of Argentina Economic Recovery Research Paper

Analysis of Argentina Economic Recovery - Research Paper Example Resent observation made by IMF indicates that Argentina has been able to recovery from financial recession. This essay analyses Argentina’s managed floating exchange rate regime from the recovery of economic crisis to the Present. Economists have mentioned many factors that contributed to Argentina financial turmoil. Some economists have cited Argentina economic policies as a factor that contributed to financial recession (Hornbeck). Analysts have claimed that IMF had questionable policy advice and lending to Argentina because it overlooked risks that Argentina was likely to face (Saxton). It is apparent that numerous lending programs that international community gave to Argentina during the recession aggravated the problem. Economists believe that fiscal policies of Argentina plunged it into the financial crisis. Research indicates that Argentina had been using fiscal largesse to counter economic problems. In this case, Argentina printed currency to cover its monetary shortfa lls or applied other creative methods to expand its money supply. This policy led to indebtedness and high inflation. Argentina adopted convertibility fiscal policy, which controlled exchange rate against the American dollar. Research indicates that the policy worked well until 1995 when Argentina economic policies could not protect the country from economic depression (Akkerman & Teunissen). Analysts have argued that convertibility fiscal policy failed because the plan lacked thresholds required to contain convertibility plan at national and provision levels. Research indicates that Argentina’s debts grew from 30% to 60% (Saxton). The debt figures show records collected from 1995 to 2001. These changes led to overvaluation of Argentina’s currency, which affected Argentina’s competiveness in the world market due to reduction in its ability to export, which further plunged public revenue. With a strengthening dollar fiscal balances of Argentina deteriorated givin g room for regional trading countries a trading opportunity over Argentina. Commodity prices fell accelerating a fall in public revue. It is apparent that a fall in domestic trade triggers an increase in inflation level. Research indicates that Argentine fiscal deficit in 1993-2001 had an average of 1.3 percent of the country’s GDP (Weisbrot, Increase in fiscal deficit took place in 1998 when Argentina adopted joint action on recession, which focused on higher interest rates and revenues. Recovery plan from the financial turmoil meant that Argentina had to change to fiscal policies in order to meet challenges in the dynamic market. Argentina debt restructuring began in 2002 when Argentina negotiated with investors and IMF to cut down some of their debts (Akkerman & Teunissen). Negotiation did not yield much because IMF did not provide solution, which could leverage on Argentina’s economic turmoil. Argentina refuted its agreement with IMF and entered into one te rm agreement with SEC to settle debts of private creditors. The commitment made by Argentina to recover from debts that it had incurred got a backup from Argentine legislative move, which restricted Argentina from incurring more debts on better terms. Argentine government developed policies, which improved import substitution as a move to improve trade in the country. The central bank moved in to control

The Right Stuff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Right Stuff - Essay Example They are the characteristics that the recruiter thinks is correct. So the one with the authority or power defines what the right stuff is. People try to guess the actual characteristics that come under the topic the right stuff but they are only known to the person who has formulated the theory. It is really difficult to find a man with the right stuff and he should have it, not most of it. After the 2nd world war the US were in a race with the Russians for the space mission. It was really important for them to beat the Russians. Many pilots were recruited by the NASA for the space program. New pilots from the navy were also selected. The book tells about the US space program, the test pilots, astronauts and their wives. It shows what the pilots and their wives endured during the space program. The pilots were given a small introduction talk, here they were told about the right stuff and one should have it to get there and not most of it. Many guesses were made but resulted in failur e. Although the right stuff includes the term bravery but it’s not all about it. It includes many other stuff and requirement other than bravery and courage. The pilots underwent rigorous tests and many other tasks to check if they had the right stuff and pilots were being rejected based upon the theory of the right stuff. The pilots became obsessed with it by hearing it in each phase of the tests.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How does oil and gas market effect on world economic Coursework

How does oil and gas market effect on world economic - Coursework Example There is no contention or doubt that oil and gas are the major sources of energy in the world, despite the invention of other sources of energy like Nuclear and geothermal energy, oil and gas remain the most crucial and fundamental source of energy. The economy of most countries in the world is dependent upon oil and natural gas; this has been greatly evidenced by the effect of global oil and gas prices on the prices of other basic commodities and the cost of living. This vehemently indicates that the global economy is inextricably bound with the global oil and gas market. Political crisis and interrupting in major petroleum producing countries has often had tremendous effect on global prices of all other industrial commodities. This is because oil and gas energy is the backbone of industrial activities and development. . Other factors affecting the global oil market include technical factors, pricing and marketing, Environmental issues, national security, and public policy choices a nd debates in global oil markets. According to a report released by the International Energy Agency in the year 2011, the top ten oil producers accounted for 63% of the oil produced worldwide. These giant oil producers who have a large share of the Market greatly influence the international oil market. It is also projected that USA is going to overtake Russia as the largest oil producer by 2017. The greatest share of oil production is in the Middle East and political crisis in the last few years has seen a significant increase in global oil and gas prices. ... Market regionalisation would see very great oil price disparities which is mitigated by the oil controlling cartels like OPEC (Organisation for Petroleum Exporting Countries) OPEC has dominated the global oil market for a very long time and has somehow been effective in pushing the price of oil upwards in favour of oil producers. Due to the impact that the cartel has on the prices of oil and the market in general, there have been claims that the global oil market is not a fair market. This has seen petroleum producing countries realise a lot of wealth from the oil importing countries. The cartel has been effective in keeping the prices of oil higher than it would probably be if controlled by competition in a liberal market. However oil prices are at times greatly affected by world crisis or disasters and also speculation by the traders in this multi Trillion industry The petroleum producing countries greatly impact on the global oil prices by regulating production and supply, especia lly OPEC is very instrumental in regulating production by member states thus affecting supply and demand. The organisation is also involved in marketing of oil of the member states giving them a bigger bargaining power. If traders speculate a reduction in oil, prices they push the prices up, the availability of oil in strategic reserves also affect the global oil market. These include the oil stored in American reserves and refineries and also Saudi Arabia which has a very big reserve. If Saudi Arabia for instance allows release of oil from its strategic reserves, global oil prices tend to go down. Demand of oil and gas also greatly impact on the prevailing prices, this is especially during the

The Right Stuff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Right Stuff - Essay Example They are the characteristics that the recruiter thinks is correct. So the one with the authority or power defines what the right stuff is. People try to guess the actual characteristics that come under the topic the right stuff but they are only known to the person who has formulated the theory. It is really difficult to find a man with the right stuff and he should have it, not most of it. After the 2nd world war the US were in a race with the Russians for the space mission. It was really important for them to beat the Russians. Many pilots were recruited by the NASA for the space program. New pilots from the navy were also selected. The book tells about the US space program, the test pilots, astronauts and their wives. It shows what the pilots and their wives endured during the space program. The pilots were given a small introduction talk, here they were told about the right stuff and one should have it to get there and not most of it. Many guesses were made but resulted in failur e. Although the right stuff includes the term bravery but it’s not all about it. It includes many other stuff and requirement other than bravery and courage. The pilots underwent rigorous tests and many other tasks to check if they had the right stuff and pilots were being rejected based upon the theory of the right stuff. The pilots became obsessed with it by hearing it in each phase of the tests.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analysis of Dance Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Dance Essay The type of dance I attended was a mix of ballet and modern. This involved group performances as well as individual performances. For the purpose of this paper I will narrow my observations to an individual performance of both ballet and modern and a group performance of both. Dance has the ability to draw it’s viewer in, by captivating the audience with the amount of grace, coordination and talent it’s dancers display. The lines a dancer created with their body is nothing short of amazing. Almost every type of person could appreciate something about dance. One of the first dances of the night was a ballet done, by a 9 year old girl. As she entered the dance area, it became very silent in the auditorium. You could almost hear a needle drop. Her costume was simple, dark in color, not shinny, as if not to distract the audience from her performance. Her white tights provided a focal point drawing the audience to watching the delicate moves she was executing with her legs. She started in first position quickly transitioning to 3rd and before you knew it she was spinning around on only one foot, pointing her toe towards the audience. She had a brief moment where it appeared that she fell out of pose, but immediately pulled herself back together, executing the next pose with perfection. Her face remained unchanged throughout the entire performance. She demonstrated perfect C shaped arms as she held them in the air bringing all her weight from her heels to the tips of her toes. This performance was very impressive for such a young girl. What I sometimes miss it facial expressions, but I suppose by the absence of expression the girl is allowing your mind to go wherever the music takes you. The next performance came from a 15 year old girl and best fit the description of modern dance. Her costume was bright, shinny, and created the illusion of movement. Many of the movements executed by this performer involved being on the floor, or bending over. Her arm movements were not as precise. It was as if a choreographer told her she could place her arms however she wished, in stark contrast to the ballet dance that required very precise movements. This dance appeared much slower. I did not enjoy this dance as much as I felt the bold costume and music distracted the viewers from the talent behind the dancer. She too was expressionless when she danced. The way the stage lights reflected off her costume created a glowing effect on the dancer. The group ballet was absolutely beautiful. Some of the dancers started as if they were asleep or dead, all bent over, while other dancers began in the upright position. As the dancers began to move across the stage, the dancers in the downward position began to arise. It created the illusion that the dancers were giving life to an otherwise lifeless creature. They all began dancing in unison across the stage, with pose and grace, up on their toes. They were always careful to have the correct position with their arms and legs, and toes pointed. They made this type of dancing look effortless, while executing it with such precision. No one fell out of pose during this dance, everyone knew their place and performed with great precision. As the dance ended they all went into a downward pose, creating the illusion that they were all lifeless again. What a brilliant analogy, this dance presented. Many things around us are lifeless, dull and boring, it is the people who occupy the space that gives it life and meaning. Just like dance gives life and many to those who watch it or perform it. The last dance was the group modern dance. This was my least favorite. I would almost say that it appeared sloppy and ill choreographed. At times I wondered if the girls were supposed to be doing the same movements and some were behind or if it was meant to look like a ripple effect. It did not look like either to me. Through watching these dances it became very obvious to me that I prefer ballet to modern dance. I was uncertain of the reason until the lady seated behind me said,† I loved their modern group dance†. I thought I miss heard her, but yes that was what she said. She even went on to say that they had won a competition doing that very dance. It was at that point I realized dance is for everyone. While I prefer the more precise movements, other people can enjoy the chaos of modern dance. I tend to be a perfectionist and I had nothing to gage the movements of the modern dance on. But I loved the ballet where you could tell when perfect pose was achieved. So I do believe a dance recital like this should appeal to all types of people, offering a great variety.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Packet Classification: Problem and Resolution

Packet Classification: Problem and Resolution INTRODUCTION This chapter covers the introduction to packet classification. Problems for packet classification, objectives to overcome the problem involved in packet classification, motivation to do the project on packet classification and also the organization of the project. The development of the internet grows for every year, because of the easy access of the internet. The gain of the internet can be obtained through the smartphones, netbooks, notebooks. For processing the packets, network processor is used, and it will carry out the tasks as to convert the packets into fragments, reassembling these fragments, forwarding, encryption and packet classification. Due to increased line rates, pressure is increased on line rates and it in turn pressure on network processor. The pressure can be relieved in two ways: By inserting more processing cores and it increases power consumption. Increasing the clock speed, but it creates difficulty due to the physical limitation in the silicon. So that it can be relieved in two different ways: Insert the clock gating, which reduces the power consumption. Insert the buffer, to form the pipelining and it also increases the speed. 1.1  PROBLEM DEFINITION Network processors are getting more strain, due to more use of internet and the strain needs to be reduce. To give the security for the network packets. To minimize the power required for packet classification. To achieve high speed and also high throughput for packet classification. 1.2  OBJECTIVES Understood the concept of hypercut algorithm for packet classification and also analyzed the flow chart for packet classification. Understood the verilog code and Xilinx tool. Wrote the verilog code for hypercut algorithm. The simulation results for hypercut algorithm is verified in Xilinx tool. Clock gating circuit is inserted in the architecture of the classifier, it reduces the power consumption. Pipelining concept is used in proposed architecture of the classifier and the simulation results are verified in Xilinx. 1.3  MOTIVATION The network traffic is doubling for each six to nine months. Also traditional algorithms are not supporting the increasing network traffic on core and edge devices. Large number of rulesets: Due to increased access of the network, the more services need to be implement in network device, so that more number of rules are needed. It creates the difficulty for classifying the packets. Flexibility: Traditional algorithms are particularly designed for IPV4, so that novel solutions are required to manage both IPV4 and IPV6 addresses. Scalability: As the network services are increasing, there is requirement to add or delete the rules. So that, good scalability is required for packet classification. 1.4  Organization of the thesis The thesis contains 6 chapters Chapter 1, it will covers the introduction of packet classification, problems involved in packet classification, objective to the packet classification and motivation for choosing the packet classification. Chapter 2, it will covers the basics of existing packet classification and also the basics of proposed packet classification. Chapter 3, it will covers the method used to do the packet classification, proposed architecture and also it tells how proposed architecture is better compared to previous algorithms. Chapter 4, it discusses the simulation the simulation results obtained for existing and proposed architecture of the classifier. Chapter 5, it covers the conclusion and future scope of the project. Chapter 6, It lists the reference papers used for literature review of the packet classification. Chapter 2 BASICS It covers the basics of packet classification. It also explains the structure of packet header, brief introduction to internet, the mode of information transmission through the internet, OSI layers, the type of matching, software and hardware implementation of packet classification , Clock gating and pipelining are also discussed. It also covers the review of different packet classification algorithms, by reading this the user can select the algorithm, which is best suit for his application. The internet is a global system. It is consists of inter connected computer networks, which uses the protocols(TCP/IP), to match several billion devices all over the world. It is also termed as networks of network. Access of internet is a process of connecting mobile devices, computers and computer terminals to the internet. Internet access will enables the users to access the internet services such as email and world wide web. Using various technologies, internet service providers will access the internet. A packet is a formatted unit of data, which is carried by the packet switched network. By formatting of the data, the bandwidth of communication medium can be increased. The structure of the packet contains the two varieties of data Control information User data 2.1  Control information This will provide the information, on where to send the data. Example, It provides the source and destination IP addresses, sequencing information and error codes. Fig 2.1 shows the structure of the packet Fig 2.1 structure of the packet 2.2  Payload The maximum size of the packet is 64 K bytes. The payload of the packet is variable. Example IPV4 typically adds the 20 bytes of payload to every packet. The packet is passed through the network using three devices such as hub, switch and router. 2.3  The modes of information transmission through the internet 2.3.1  Hub Hub is a central device, for which all other devices are connected. It is called the star system. It is very simple, when any device sends the data, it will send the data to all other devices and all other devices needs to decide whether the data is belonging to them, if it is not belonging to them, they will ignore it. It will present in physical layer. Fig 2.3.1 shows the structure of the hub. . Fig 2.3.1 shows the structure of the hub 2.3.2  Switch The switch is smarter compared to hub. First it creates the table, which records the IP/MAC addresses of the devices(PC’s) connected together. At the start, when any device sends the data, that time switch will not be knowing the destination IP addresses. So it will forwards the packets to all other devices, which are connected to it and it also records the IP address of the device. Next when packet belonging to those destination IP addresses comes, it will directly forward the packets to destination devices It is present in data link layer of OSI layer. Fig 2.3.2 shows the structure of the switch. 2.3.3  Router It is the smartest device compared to hub and switch. The router will record the address of all the devices which are connected to it. The router will read the information present in packet header and it will decide , where the packet needs to be sent and how to process the packet. It provides the security. While in hub, switch the destination IP address is known, hacker may hack the destination device, it will consider both destination and source IP address of the devices and it will decide whether the source device is hacker or not. If it is hacker, it will deny the packet. Fig 2.3.3 shows the structure of router. Fig 2.3.3 shows the structure of router. 2.4 OSI LAYERS It consist of seven layer Application layer Presentation layer Session layer Transport layer Network layer Data link layer Physical layer The Fig 2.4 for OSI model is shown below as Fig 2.4 OSI layers Application layer: This layer will provide the interface to application programmes. Presentation layer: In this layer , it converts the data from system specific format to the format which is suitable for application. It also provides encryption and compression. Session layer: Which facilitates the starting, managing and ending of connection between the two nodes. Ex: For a video session, it will synchronize the related stream of data such as audio and video. Transport layer: It will break the data into segments It will decide about how much information can be sent to email server and how much information can be received back. The responsibility of transport layer are: Reliability Flow control Fragmentation Network layer: Here the segments are broken into packets by adding the source and destination IP address to them. Next the packets are sent to data link layer. Here router is working in this layer. Data link layer: In this layer, the packets are broken into the frames, which are created for the specific network. The frames are assigned the address of two nodes, the data is moving in between. Physical layer: The frames given by the data link layer are converted into bits in physical medium. UDP: User datagram protocol It is light weight and connectionless. Advantages: The packet size is small. UDP header- 8 bytes TCP header- 20 bytes There is no requirement to create and maintain the connection. It has more control over the data Disadvantages: It does not provide error recovery. It does not compensate for lost data packets. Packets can arrive at out of order, so that data loses meaning. There is no control of congestion. Transmission control Protocol: It is reliable and connection based. Advantages: It delivers the acknowledgements. It provides retransmission. It provides in order delivery. It will delays the transmission when the network is busy. It provides error recovery. Disadvantages: It has bigger header. It doesn’t always get sent out quickly. It is the side effect of congestion. It has bigger overhead. UDP is message oriented It sends the data in distinct chunks. Ex: Email. For multimedia applications, UDP is used, because of these reasons as: It has less overhead. Data loss can be masked. UDP is used in small transmission. It is also used in bandwidth intensive applications, that tolerate packet loss. TCP is stream oriented It can be used in continuous flow of data. Ex: Phone conversation. For text communication, TCP is better. Ex: File transfers, Remote access. TCP is used when delivery acknowledgement are needed. In physical layer, information is transmitted in bit stream using hub. In data link layer information is transmitted in frames using switches. In network layer information is transmitted in packets using router. A router is a device that forwards the packet. A router is connected between two networks namely LAN’s or WAN’s. network processors are specialized CPU, which is optimized to support the implementation of network protocols at maximum speed. The function of network processor is to carry out the tasks such as packet separation, reassembly, encryption and classification. Packet classification is the process of categorizing the packets into flows in internet router. Packet will be classified in network layer. Packet has five fields as shown in fig Source IP address: It indicates the IP address of the sender . Destination IP address: It indicates the IP address of the destination. Source port: It indicates the port number of sender. Destination port: It indicates the port number of destination. Protocol: Which specifies the type of transport packet being carried. The incoming packet to router will matches the specific rule if the distinct field in the packet will match corresponding field in the rule. There are three matches Exact match: The values present in rule field header are same as the values present in packet header. Prefix match: The values of rule field header are prefix for header fields of the packet. Range match: The packet header field values must be lie in the range which is specified by the rule. 2.5  The types of packet classification algorithms Packet classification algorithm can be implemented in two major types Software based Hardware based 2.5.1  Software Implementation This can be used with general purpose processor and network processor. The software based algorithm can be divided into two types as Field dependent Algorithm Field independent Algorithm Field Independent Algorithm: For each field in the rule, these algorithms will build the index table separately. Ex: RFC Field dependent Algorithm: In these algorithm, the fields of the rule will be matched in dependent manner and there is no need to group the result in final stage. The memory requirement for these algorithms is less than field independent algorithms. Ex: Hypercut, Hicut 2.5.2  Hardware based implementation This is used with ASIC or with FPGA. This implementation is used with internet routers for the high speed that supports to handle the packet. The reasons to use software implementation Programmability: ASIC architectures has small Programming capacity, Because ASICs have special design. Special chips: To accelerate the packet processing speed, special chips called TCAMS are used. The proposed algorithm uses clock gating circuit to reduce power consumption and pipelining to increase the speed. 2.6  Clock gating Clock gating is a technique, which is used in synchronous circuits to minimize the power consumption. This technique is used to prune the clock, it disables the port of the circuitary, so that flip flops present in the circuitry will not switch the states. When switching is absent, the dynamic power consumption is reduced, but the leakage currents are present. Clock gating works by taking the enable signal of the circuitry, so that flip flops or devices present in latches will not switch the states, so that switching power reduces. So it is necessary to have enable conditions in order to get benefit from clock gating. The clock gating saves the power. Clock gating can be added in two ways: By writing the RTL code, the synthesis tool automatically translates the RTL code into clock gating logic. In order to gate the clock of specific modules or registers manually clock gating circuit can be inserted by instantiating library the specific ICG cells. Using automated the clock gating tools, clock gating is inserted in semi automatic fashion. These tools will insert ICG cells to RTL code or directly add the enable conditions to RTL code. 2.7  Pipelining It is group of data processing elements, which are connected in series, so that output of one element is the input to next element. We build a pipeline by dividing the complex operation into simple operation. Here instead of taking bulk thing and executing it, the bulk thing is break up into smaller pieces and process it one after another. For example Consider a calculation c= log(|a+b|), which consist of three operations, which are shown in fig 2.7. Fig 2.7 Pipelining example Add a and b to get a+b, it takes 40ns. Take the magnitude, we get as |a+b|, it takes 35 ns. Take the log we get as log(|a+b|), it takes 60ns. Consider a situation when we need to carry out for 100 such pairs. Without pipelining , it would take a total of 100*135= 13500ns. By realization, it is found that it is whole sequential process. Let the values evaluated to be a1 to a100 and we need to add values to be b1 to b100. In first evaluation, ( a1+b1)is calculated, In next evaluation, |a1+b1|,(a2+b2) is calculated, in third evaluation log|a1+b1|,|a2+b2|, ( a3+b3) is evaluated. After the first output data that is log|(a1+b1)|, the subsequent outputs are log|(a2+b2)|, log|(a3+ b3)| will now start arriving at a gap of 60ns . All the 100 inputs can be applied in 199*60=5940ns and the total time taken to evaluate 100 data will be 5940+180= 6120ns. This time is half compared without pipelining. This process of evaluation is called pipelinlng. 2.8 Literature review Algorithms are classified in 4 classes: Basic structures Geometry based Heuristics Hardware based 2.8.1  Basic structures a. Linear search: This algorithm[1], is very simple. It contains all the rules. Here each packet is matched opposite to all the rules until the corresponding fields of the packet should match to the rule. Although, it is simple, it is not widely used. Because, it takes the large time for matching with the rule. Consider N is the number of rules, â€Å"the worst case space and time complexity is O(N),where O is the order and N is the number of rules. Fig below shows the linear structure. Fig 2.8.1.a Linear search algorithm b. Hierarchial trie: It is an extension part of the binary trie. By using the individual bits of the search key, the branches of the trie can be traversed. In the d dimensional hierarchial trie[2], first bulid the one dimensional hierarchial trie which is called F1 trie. Foe each prefix P in the F1 trie, there is a recursively (d-1) dimensional hierarchial tries are present(Tp). For example, if the data structure is 2 dimensional the only one F1 trie is present. Hierarchial tries are also termed as multilevel tries or backtracking tries or tries of trie. Womens Roles in Anime: The Reflection of Japanese Society Womens Roles in Anime: The Reflection of Japanese Society What do the portrayals of women in Japanese animation reveal about the role of women in Japanese society today? The role of women in Japanese culture is an important topic amongst when discussing contemporary Japan. While it is important to consider traditional methods of analysis that come from statistics and surveys, you also need to look at how popular culture defines the modern Japanese woman. Japanese animation can provide a tool to analysis of the role of women in Japanese society. Through looking at women and they are portrayed in Japanese animation over the decade, we can begin to see the role of women in contemporary Japanese society. The purpose of this discussion is to determine a connection between Japanese animation (a form of popular culture) and the role of women (whether this role is shifting or remaining conservative) in contemporary Japanese society. In order to understand the link between Japanese animation and society, it is important to consider the meaning of these terms and how they relate to each other. Martinez defines popular culture as the culture of the masses; which does apply to the Japanese culture. Nevertheless, other opinions raise the point to how popular culture is a problematic term when translating it into the Japanese context. According to Hidetoshi Kato, a Japanese scholar, the term popular culture as taishu bunka; translates into mass culture. However, Martinezs definition is a middle of the road definition for the terms offered by Kato. In addition, Martinez defines the anthropology of popular culture as the study of the interaction between the apparently separate realms of the material and the symbolic. Other anthropologist such as Roger Buckley agrees with Martinez, stating that popular culture should tell us something about contemporary Japanese behavior. The images presented by Japanese animation including its related cousin, manga, or Japanese comics have helped shape the identity of modern Japanese women. Japanese animation, or anime, is useful when studying the role of women in society. Popular culture serves to reflect and instigate change in Japanese society, by observing the changes and themes in anime, these trends are identifiable. Popular culture also helps one to understand the dynamics of Japanese society and culture. While the behaviors identified are not Japanese, such as conformity, loyalty and deference8, there are certain subtle undertones that make themes and characters that make them Japanese. Lastly, Japanese animation industry caters for both sexes across a wide age group. This is important, because unlike the animation industry in the United States whereupon childrens programming is largely aimed at young boys. Japanese animation makes it possible to gain an insight into the role of women in society because both sexes views are represented. This provides a foundation for observing how the role of women in Japanese society can be studied through examining their role in Japanese animation. Japanese animation is interesting to study when observing the roles of gender because of the way it written for diverse tastes and it differs from Western animation. Anime has often been described as edgy, provocative, and documentary-like; these industry buzzwords describe anime as a different expression of animation, when it is not. In reality, the Japanese have embraced animation as an expression that goes beyond the standard set by Disney. Anime includes animation catered for all age groups. Anime content ranges from superb works to trashy soap operas or pornography; however, they play an important role in Japans popular culture by providing a legacy of past ideals. Respected writer Frederik Schodt has split the anime available into two distinct halves as defined by the gender, Boys comic [shonen] anime carefully balance suspense with humor, dramatic stories of sports, adventure, ghosts, science fiction, and school life. Girls comic anime [shojo] also strive for balance but are distinguished by their tales of idealized love. Given the range to choose from, it is important to analyze a number of sources to see how anime reflects the position of women in Japanese society, but to examine them with an open mind. Reaction to anime has been filled with distaste. Film critics have both embraced and criticized Japanese animation. Mamorum Oshiis theatrical adaption of Shirow Masamunes Ghost in the Shell, regarded as a movie that questions what it is that makes us human by many, has been lauded as a spectacular-looking Japanese animated film, but like so many of its kind, involves a confusing narrative and peculiar metaphysics that reduce interest16. To avoid generalizations it is important to look at works from a several genres to how anime portrays Japanese women in society. To observe the role of women as portrayed in anime with a female-specific target audience, Komodo no Omocha (1996) will be used to analyzed. To see how women are being represented in anime that is targeted at a male demographic, Dragon Ball Z (199?) will form the basis of analysis. Finally, a recent work from Japans most respected and successful animation studio today, Studio Ghibli, will be analyzed Mononoke Hime (1997). The importance of studying Studio Ghiblis work is to see how women are portrayed by an animation studio whose works reach a very wide audience, that typically cross the gender and age boundaries. While this analysis will not prove to be the final answer, it will prove an interesting investigation when considering what images of femininity have been projected onto Japanese society over the past decade. Kodomo no Omocha was a popular series that aired on Japanese television in the mid 1990 is, compared to many shojo anime, Kodomo no Omocha is radical, though it is by far not the only one. The story is a comedy fused with typical shojo elements love interests, and pretty artwork. The female lead is a young girl named Sana, who lives with her eccentric, but loving, mother and Rei, her personal manager. Unlike other female characters that will be analyzed, Sana is loud, outspoken and is not intimidated by anyone. She is works hard to do her best at her job (she is a famous star of a childrens TV program), friends and family. While she exhibits traditionally female qualities, she is not the stereotypical wholly subservient female character. Even though she is only a child, she stresses the importance of her job. Her mother is another strong female role within the anime. She is intelligent, in control and the men are more likely to be subservient to her than anything else is. Other fema les in the show lean towards conservative Japan, such as when Sanas female teacher cries and runs to another male teacher for assistance whenever the class acts up. The male characters are traditionally empowered, though like many a shojo anime, have soft sides to their personalities. The depiction of the two main female characters, Sana and her mother, offer an insight into the modern Japanese woman as having the capacity to be strong, yet gentle and compassionate. Dragon Ball Z offers an interesting insight into the portrayal of women in anime aimed at a male demographic. The reason this is an interesting series to look at is its popularity and the way it portrays gender roles. Women are portrayed in few roles in this anime. The female roles are dismally backwards. Dragon Ball Z has portrayed the role of women as subservient/secondary at their core. It has pointed out that fundamental beliefs about gender roles are difficult to change in any society, including Japans, The show is very male-centric, emphasizing strength, discipline and hard work as the key to being successful in the world. On the other hand, this is a martial arts anime, so this should not be a surprising aspect. One of the women who appear regularly is the protagonists female friend Bulma, an intelligent scientist. Bulma is a gifted inventor and often creates something that will aid her group of friends in whatever plight they are in. Bulma is portrayed as a confident, intelli gent woman who, while not of equal status, remains an important part of the team. However, when she is put in a position of danger, she falls into the damsel in distress stereotype all too common in male-orientated anime. She is rescued one way or another, but is often the least of the groups priorities she is often rescued as an after-thought, as opposed to being a genuine critical concern. This is a good example of what Eri Izawa determines as the Unequal Relationship genre, where women are second to men in a world dominated by patriarchy. Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata founded studio Ghibli in 1985. The importance with studying work by Studio Ghibli is because their productions (which are theatrical) have such widespread appeal in Japanese society. A large number of Japans populace sees the stories that are created here. The films cross the divides of age and gender. The movie that is I am looking at is Mononoke Hime. It grossed approximately US$150 million at the box office, beaten only by Titanic. In Mononoke Hime, the story centers on three principle characters San, the Wolf Princess, Lady Eboshi and prince Ashitaka, the pillar between which these two women are placed. One of interesting strengths of this film is the way in which the opposing characters, San and Lady Eboshi, are portrayed. Both are strong, powerful women, sure of themselves and their world. Lady Eboshi is a superlative example of the new woman of Japan. She is in charge of a profitable ironworks that employs people regarded as beneath society (prostitutes and lepers), leading by compassion, returning dignity and purpose to their lives. San is the other extreme; she lives in the forest of the Deer God, raised by the great wolf gods who dwell there. San is a strong female character who follows a more natural way of life; as opposed to the entrepreneurial mindset of Lady Eboshi, San is dedicated to preserving the forest and the creatures that dwell within. Miyazaki is portraying the capacity of women to be strong, competent and successful. San represents the capacity of women to be strong in the dwelling of the traditional while Lady Eboshi is an example of how women can be successful and entrepreneurial in the face of modernization. From three examples, it is easy to see these reflections on the role of women are present in contemporary Japanese society. Martinez admits that it is difficult to discover what the true role of Japanese women in Japanese society are in a perceived country where men are still dominant [and] Japanese women are held to be gentle, submissive and beautiful. Historically, Japanese womens suffrage was achieved in 1945 and it is noted that while Japanese women may be able to find jobs, it is far more difficult to find careers, even today. However, public opinion is changing. There is clear that the role of women in Japan is no longer the traditional housewife/mother. Surveys by the Prime Ministers Office in 1987 and 1995 show a shift in public opinion of women, while in 1987 over 50% of the men surveyed agreed with the traditional role of women in Japan, by 1995 the percentage had dropped to 33%. The state of Japanese animation over the past decade reveals a relative parallel between the co ntent of Japanese animation and these results. The role of women in anime such as Kodomo no Omocha gives girls a role model unlike the traditionally submissive, quiet woman in the face of Sanas eccentric, enthusiastic nature that is rewarded by success. Studio Ghiblis films have portrayed women as equal, confident and able to take charge in their lives. Anime aimed at boys retain the portrayal of women as bystanders, whether it be the token damsel in distress or cheerleader. However, that is changing; Japanese animation aimed at the boys has begun to portray women beyond this traditional stereotype. Several productions such as Ranma 1/2 and Love Hina offered a cast of characters that serve to put women on equal ground as men in some cases, though there is still the re-enforcement of traditional gender roles. Japanese animation is an established form of pop culture. It is consumed by both sexes and across all age groups, and offers a series of representations of women. While it has become apparent through observing trends in Japanese animation and contemporary Japanese society is an apparent shift, however, it is important to identify that the traditional role of women will probably always manifest itself in pop culture. This is because the traditional role of women is an option, just as choosing a career or being entrepreneurial are choices. What is encouraging to see is that those choices are being represented, either directly or indirectly, in anime. It speaks well for the future of Japanese society as alternative roles of women are being portrayed for both sexes in the culture of the masses. Reference: Martinez, D.P. (1998). The Worlds of Japanese popular culture: gender, shifting boundaries [UK, Cambridge UP, p. 3]. Hidetoshi, K. (1989). Some Thoughts on Japanese popular culture. Richard Gid Powers Hidetoshi, K. (1989). Handbook of Japanese popular culture. Greenwood Press. Buckley, R. (1990). Japan today. Cambridge: UP. Schodt, F.L. (1983). Manga! manga! the world of japanese comics. USA: Kodansha. Izawa, E. (2001). Japanese manga and animation: gender relations in manga and anime. Retrieved from (abridged) Robertson, J. (1998). Takarazuka: sexual politics and popular culture in modern japan. University of California. Dimensions of Japanese society: gender, margins and mainstream. Great Britain: Macmillan Press Ltd.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery Essay example -- Plastic Surgery Essa

Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery is a great discovery that has been around for many centuries. â€Å"The history of plastic surgery origins in the early 800 B.C. when surgeons in India restored noses to persons who had them taken off as a form of punishment.† (History of Cosmetic Surgery, 2008) Many people have used over the years cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to enhance their physical appearance weather it be for health problems associated with birth defect or problems that they have developed over the years or to even alter physical appearances for instance nose jobs and tummy tucks. There are numerous types of cosmetic surgery that can be done today in the United States, over the year’s surgeons techniques have improved dramatically. There are a number of pro’s and con’s that go along with cosmetic surgery, such as the amount of recovery time and the initial cost of surgery. Statistics also show that cosmetic surgery has grown so rapidly over the years it is phen omenal people who receive cosmetic surgery goes up by the millions every year. While there can be many related health risks due to cosmetic sugary, many times cosmetic surgery is necessary and its is made more affordable than thought to be. There are many Cons’ that are associated with cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Some procedures can leave a person scared for life physically or even mentally. For instance, â€Å"Liposuction is the removal of fat cells to produce smoother contours, if to much fat and fluid is removed at once the patient could go into shock, bleed internally, or worst of all die.† (Margie Parent 2002) After some cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries sometimes it is found very common for a person to have a hard time adjust... .../history-of-cosmetic-surgery.html Parent, Margie. 2002. â€Å"The Pro’s and Con’s of Plastic Surgery Procedure.† Retrieved on January 28th, 2008. From Miami Beach 411. N.D. â€Å"A Guide to Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Costs†. Retrieved on January 28th, 2008. From â€Å"History of Cosmetic Surgery†. 2008. Retrieved on January 28th, 2008. From Colins, Joan. N.d..†The Pro’s and Con’s of Plastic Surgery†. Retrieved on January 28th, 2008. From http://cseserv.engr, American Society of Plastic Surgery. 2008. â€Å"2007 Report of 2006 Statistics†. Retrieved on January 28th, 2008. From